Thursday, February 17, 2011

Would you want to have the "Midas Touch?"

Hello Class!

For homework you read about King Midas and the "Midas Touch." In the comments below, share your ideas about what you read. Would you want to have the "Midas Touch?" Please be sure to explain why, or why not? If you are interested in reading more about King Midas, click here!


  1. I will talk about why I don't want King Midas's Golden touch. Firstly, I don't want the golden touch because what if I wanted to take a shower? The water will turn to gold once I touch it! Then, I can't take a shower, and I will be stinky! Lastly, what if I want to hug my family, teacher, etc? They will turn to gold and I will be lonely. Even if it means I could be rich, I don't want it.

  2. In this paragraph I will tell you about why I would not have the King Midas's gold touch. The first reason is if I touch my mom she will turn gold. Second reason is I already have my true happiness. Third reason is I'm not a King or Queen wanting gold. Fourth reason is I can not take back the gold touch once something turns to gold. That is why I would not have King Midas's gold touch.

  3. In this paragraph I will tell you about why I would not have the King Midas's gold touch. The first reason is if I touch my mom she will turn gold. Second reason is I already have my true happiness. Third reason is I'm not a King or Queen wanting gold. Fourth reason is I can not take back the gold touch once something turns to gold. That is why I would not have King Midas's gold touch.

  4. This paragraph is going to be about why or why not I want to be King Midas.
    First I want to be King Midas because he is rich. Second he helped this poor man. First I do not want to be him because whatever he touched turned to gold and when he touched his daughter she turned to gold. Second he is a greedy fool.
    In conclusion, this is why or why not I want to be King Midas.

  5. I would not like to have King Midas's golden touch. First of all, it would turn my books to gold and I would not be able to read them. Second, I would starve to death. Third, I would not be able to drink anything. Fourth, my bed would be uncomfortable. Lastly, it would be hard to move with clothes made out of gold. In conclusion, I think the king was foolish to wish for something like that.

  6. I would not want to have a golden touch.
    I would not like to have the golden touch because I can't touch my family. I can not touch my homework. I can't touch my food. I could not even see what I am eating because it is golden.
    I am glad that King Midas does not have the golden touch any more.

  7. I would not want KIng Midas' golden touch because I would not want to turn people in to gold. Also I would not want to do the same mistake king Midas made like turn my mom into gold or turn my whole house into gold. I might not see Dionysos to turn the things I touched back into life. These are some reasons why I would not want king Midas golden touch.

  8. No, I would not want the golden touch because I would not want anything of mine to turn gold. I don't want a gold dog because I couldn't play with Hershey. Also, I don't really care about gold as long as I have a real Family. Next, I like the way my Family is human. Lastly, Now I'm Glad that King Midas dose not have the golden touch.

  9. This is my paragraph about why I would want King Midas's Touch. First, I would want King Midas touch because when I walk in my house it would turn gold. Next, I would want King Midas's touch because when I walk outside the whole world will turn gold. Third, I would want King Midas's touch because when I touch my money it would turn gold. Finally, I would want Kind Midas's touch because I would turn into gold. These are some reasons why I would want King Midas's touch.

  10. I am going to tell you if I want the golden touch. I would not want the golden touch because if I had a son or a daughter and if they touch me, they will turn into gold. I will never see them again unless something happens.

    I would want the golden touch so I can have all the gold in the world. My room will be gold . My favorite color is gold. That is why I want and I don't want to have the the golden touch !!!!

  11. I would not want king Midas's golden touch because if I touch my bed it will be golden and I would not sleep. If I touch my house, it will be golden. The other thing is that if I touch my family members they will be turned into gold. Also, if I touch the city, everything will be turned into gold, even the ocean. And that is why I would not want to have King Midas's golden touch.

  12. I wouldn't want to have King Midas' golden touch! I wouldn't want to get it because I wouldn't want to become a golden statue. I wouldn't want to have to stay in the house and sit there. If I get the golden touch people wouldn't know what I am saying. If I get the golden touch I wouldn't be able to do anything. I wouldn't want to get the golden touch from King Midas!

  13. I am going to talk about why I do not want the King Midas golden touch. I don't want the golden touch because if I touch somebody by accident then they might turn into a golden statue.I also don't want the touch because if I touch a pencil to write with, it might turn into gold. Thirdly, here is another reason or example of why I don't want the golden touch: because if I touched a piece of food to eat, it might turn into a piece of gold. I wouldn't want the touch because I don't need any golden things to bring happiness in my life. So, that is why I do not want the King Midas golden touch.

  14. I will be talking about King Midas and the golden touch. I would want the golden touch because whatever you touch turns into gold. I would want it because if I need money I would just touch something. I would want it so if I need lunch money I would just give it to her. Also I would touch someone if they are mean to me. These are the reasons why I would want the golden touch.

  15. I would not want the golden touch because I might want to swim in my pool and the water might turn into solid gold. I don't want that to happen. A second detail is that I might want to eat chips and the chips might turn into solid gold, and that would not be yummy. A third detail is that when King Midas got a kiss from his daughter she turned into gold, and that is a bad thing. Lastly, when I want to plant a seed it might turn into gold and the seed might not grow. I hope you like my paragraph about the golden touch.

  16. Yes, I would want the golden touch because my Family will eventually get lots of money I could provide for them. I think my chidren will have my blood so it will pass on to different generations. Also, I will be remembered like King Midas. I'll Have my own kidbiz article called Autumn the genius.

  17. I would not like King Midas' touch because whatever I touch it will turn into gold.
    I would not like King Midas' touch because I would not be able to hug my mom and dad.
    I like King Midas' touch because I think it is cool.
    I like King Midas' touch because I would be rich.

  18. I would not like to have King Midas' golden touch because if everything I touch turns into gold that means my family and friends will turn into gold. If I had the golden touch I would try not to touch anything. Unless I have a wish to take it away like King Midas did. I'd say this story is similar to a poem I read about a girl and everything she touches turns into raspberry jello. I would also not enjoy the golden touch because if I went swimming the water would turn into gold. Finally, if I had the golden touch my lesson would be "Don't wish for things you know you will regret."

  19. I would not like to have the golden touch because I'd be greedy for the rest of my life. I'm writing this paragraph because it teaches you not to be greedy. The first reason is because you might touch food and it turns to gold. The second reason is because you might touch your prized possession and turn it into gold. The third reason is because you can't get rid of the golden touch by washing it off in a river. The last reason is because you don't want to have heavy clothes because of the gold. Now thats the reasons to not have the golden touch like king Midas.

  20. There was a king who had Midas' touch. When he touched anything it turned to gold. I would not like the golden touch because I would have no food . When I touch my food it would turn into golden food. Second, I wouldn't want the golden touch is because I wouldn't have any parents when I would hug them. Third, I wouldn't want the golden touch because I would have no teachers because if I gave a test to them and if they touched it they would turn into a golden statues. Last, I wouldn't want the golden touch because I wouldn't have any friends like if I played tag and if I tagged them, they would turn to gold. Here is why I don't want the golden touch.

  21. This paragraph will explain the reasons why I do not want the golden touch like King Midas did.
    I don't want the golden touch because I can't touch my loved ones without turning them to gold. You can't eat either because when you touch your food it turns to solid gold. You can't even climb or ride your bike because your bike, and jungle gym will turn to gold! When you touch your clothes it turns to heavy gold!
    I hope you can see that this paragraph explains why I don't want the golden touch. I hope you enjoyed my comment.

  22. I would not want to have the golden touch because you will have to stay at home forever. Another reason is, how would I have any food or drink? If I had homework and I had the golden touch I could not finish my homework and I can not go to school. What if I hug my sister? She would turn into gold.

  23. I would not like to have the golden touch. I wouldn't want it because whenever I would do gymnastics my leotards would turn into uncomfortable gold. When I would climb my trees, they would turn into gold. That is bad because if something is covered in gold it can't get contact with the sun and it will die.
    When I would hug my grandmother, she would turn to gold and never move again. Lastly, when I am doing my homework my pencil and papers would turn to hard chunky gold. If I had a choice to get the golden touch I would choose not to have it because I know what can happen when the effects get out of control!

  24. In this paragraph I would be talking about King Midas' Golden Touch.
    I wouldn't want to have the golden touch. I don't want to have the golden touch because one guy kissed his daughter and she turned into gold. King Midas touched his clothes and it turned into gold. Even if I touch my friends, they would turn into gold too. And if I touch my homework it would turn into gold.
    I hope you like it and this why I don't want the golden touch.

  25. I would not like the golden touch for many reasons. First I do not want the golden touch because I would not be able to hug or touch anyone. Also I would not want the golden touch because I would not be able to eat or drink. Furthermore every thing would be gold. Finally I would not be able to enjoy life. THe myth King Midas's gold touch is about how king midas got the touch, liked the touch, hated the touch, and how he used it. The moral to King Midas's gold touch is do not be greedy and selfish, enjoy what you have.

  26. I would be sad to have king midas' golden touch. I wouldn't want the power. First, I wouldn't be able to hug my mom and dad because they would turn into golden statues like King Midas' daughter. Second, I couldn't pet my dogs because if I did then my dogs would turn to a golden rock. Third, I wouldn't be able to ride my bike because if I touch my bike it will turn into a gold bike that can't move. Finally, I wouldn't be able to eat ice cream because if I touch the ice cream, it would turn to gold and I can't eat it! These are the reasons why I wouldn't want King Midas' golden touch.

  27. Hi Class!

    Thanks for all of your wonderful reasoning about why you would or would not desire to have the golden touch. Personally, I would not want to experience the golden touch. Could you imagine what would happen if Cello landed on my finger?! Instead of flying around as light as a feather, he would fall to the ground like a heavy anchor. A golden Cello would leave me feeling as sad as one hundred rainy days.

    Thanks again for sharing your ideas!
