Saturday, February 12, 2011

Praying Mantis!

Aidan located a praying mantis outside of the cafeteria this past week. First, he scooped the mantis into a cardboard box. Then, Aidan carried the box upstairs to our classroom. Mr. V. let us borrow a clear, cylindrical container to observe the little carnivore. Aidan named the creature
"King Kong." After Bicycle Education we released King Kong so she could find a snack! Students, what did you observe when your group was watching King Kong? List your observation in the comments
below!To learn more about this creature, click here!


  1. Excuse me, but King Kong was a girl.I looked it up and Praying Mantises that are girls have dull colors.

  2. Thanks for the information Faith...I will change the article to "she."

  3. I think it should be anything everyone has a opinion.

  4. Thank you for being a peacemaker Zaysha : )
