Monday, February 14, 2011

We love learning!

Hi Class!

Happy Valentine's Day! In the comments below, please share with the class why you love learning, or what you love to learn about!

Miss Lilli


  1. I love learning because it makes me smarter

  2. I love learning because it can expand your vocabulary and make you even more smarter than you are now!

  3. I love learning about health and sports because I like health and I like doing gymnastics. I love learning because you can learn new things and expand your knowlage! Also, it can increase your vocabulary and speech.

  4. I love learning because it makes me smarter. It will help me in college. Also, I like learning about angles and multiplication.

  5. The lesson I love to learn the most is Art and Math. The reason I like Art and Math is because Art shows creativity and Math shows skill. That is what I like to learn about. Also, it can help me when I'm in college. It also shows how smart I am now and how I can do better.

  6. I like Learning because I get smarter. Also, because you can get a good education when you grow-up. Next, I can get a good grade on anything that we learn I class.

  7. I like learning because it can improve our chances of getting into college. And, it can increase the number of choices we can make. My favorite subjects are science, math, and reading.

  8. I like to learn because you can be smarter. I like to learn about math and reading. And, I like to learn because by the years, you get smarter than you were before.

  9. I love Learning because it makes me smarter! My favorite subject is math! And, learning will help me in college!!!!! I love learning!!!!!!!!

  10. I like to learn about history and life because it's really important. Also I really, really want to learn more about health because I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Also, I want to be a teacher when I grow up. So, I mostly want to learn everything I can learn.

  11. I love learning about about art, reading, science, and math. I love to do art because I can express my feelings. I do not really like social studies and history. I love learning because it helps your brain and everything you learn in school you will probably use in the future when you have a job. I Love School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

  12. I love to learn because it makes me smarter. My favorite subjects to learn about are Body Bioligy and fractions. I like Fractions because it helps me improve my violin skills. I like Body Biology because I like to learn about the behaviors of living things.

    ~I LOVE MATH!!!~

  13. I love to learn about art. I love to learn about art because you can have fun when you are working. Some people like to work like me but I love to do fun things that help my brain too.
    By the way, Happy Valentine's Day!
    I love Art

  14. I would love to learn about reading. I would like to learn about that because it is my favorite. I would also like to learn about Tom Brady because I don't really know about him that much.

  15. I love to learn because it will increase your education in school. And if you learn it now,it will help you in the future! When you learn it could bring out your creativiy!!!

  16. I love learning because I become better at something.
    I love learning because sometimes you can play games to learn.
    I love to learn about sea animals because if I don't know about a sea animal, I might learn about it.

  17. I love learning because it makes me smart.
    Also, I like to learn about math.
    This is the stuff I like and why I like to learn.

  18. Dear Miss Lilli,
    I really love to learn about new things that you didn't already teach us during the school year! I love learning because it makes me really proud! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MISS LILLI!!!

  19. I love learning because it makes me smarter.
    I also like to learn how to add two shapes.
    Finally, I like to learn how to add fractions.

  20. I love learning because it can expand your knowledge. I also love to learn because it is important to learn new things so you can become a great amazing person. Lastly, I love learning about math because you use it in everyday life and it can help you when you are shopping, so you know how much you have to pay. I LOVE LEARNING !!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day.

  21. I love learning because it can make me smarter. And, it can help me learn more things I don't know. Even, it can help me move up my grade.
    I love to learn!

  22. I love learning because I get a chance to be learn about new things in my life. It lets me learn about math, like adding with digits that you've never seen before. The last thing is it helps you read better.

  23. I like learning! I like learning because it is fun! The most important part why I like learning is because I get smarter!

  24. I love to learn because it will help in the future when you are in college. I also love learning because it makes you smarter. I love to learn about science because I love to do experiments. Its so fun! Also, I become better at something.

  25. I love learning because you can learn new things. I even want to learn about long division. I love learning new things because it can help you in the future.

  26. I love learning about health and sports because I like health and gymnastics! I also love learning because it can increase your vocabulary and your spelling too! That is why I love learning!

  27. I love learning because I get knowledge from watching Brain pop videos. They help me understand better. Also, I can review inside my notebooks.

  28. I love learning because it helps you in the future.
