First Place: Kylee!
Second Place: Faith!
Their poems are posted below. In a few weeks the winners will be recognized at a ceremony where they will have the chance to recite their poems in front of a large audience. Start practicing in the mirror girls! Wonderful writing!
The Gully (Girl Bully) by Kylee
Riding my bike down the road when a girl comes and kicks me
She was about 4 feet tall, maybe as big as a beast.
Takes away my backpack, throws my homework everywhere.
I wanted to tell an adult but she said
“You’re not going anywhere!”
So I tried to run,
But failed,
And fell on the ground.
I hit the ground as loud as thunder.
So I said, “Hey, think about peace.”
She apologizes, and helps me
And we walked together down the road.
Peace by Faith
I see a nation big and blue
And try to find the clue
To why peace couldn’t find
It’s perfect proper home.
To find why so many people didn’t include peace inside their steeple,
And why they fought against
Something as precious as gold.
To find my little perfect clue
I study one important man who
Wanted peace inside his house
And taught to his children of course.
His name was Martin Luther King!
He was a butterfly, the sun, he was
A kind loving man.
He died with peace in his heart
And so we should start
The thing that was like precious gold
That’s right,
Great poems girls!